Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I had to redo my final in my PSP Group where i'm learning this stuff...ugh oh well, i guess you can learn better that way. LOL

I have also created a test site where i can go and play with the settings and get a new page going. I did succeed in getting a new header loaded but only was loaded here and not the right size. I do have a couple of friends working with me in getting my site updated. Piratelass (hope it's ok i mentioned her...LOL) is a doll!! She has helped me soooo much with blogger training AND with my training doing the myleague / greatleague tour pages. Plus i have talked with Pamela from "The Posh Box" about her updating the page. She will do it if i can't....looks like that's a hard decision.

Here's something i did today....enjoy
